Mark Wooding Liberal Democrat candidate for Central Devon
Mark Wooding, Liberal Democrat Candidate in Central Devon talks about his background in this videogram
On Friday (14th June) the NFU held their pre-election husting for farmers to meet the candidates in the Central Devon General Election contest.
Mark Wooding, Liberal Democrat Candidate for Central Devon, set out the Liberal Democrat pledges to support farmers, including an extra £1 billion of support to help them through the current farming crisis.
"The Liberal Democrat’s manifesto sets out 4 pages of detailed proposal as to how we would support farmers,” said Mark Wooding. “It’s a manifesto written with farmers for farmers, and in my view is the most comprehensive, and supportive, of all the major parties.
“As well as providing an extra £1 billion of support, Liberal Democrats would renegotiate the damaging trade deals with New Zealand and Australia, and ensure no future deals undercut our farming sector. We’d also take steps to create a fairer relationship between the powerful supermarkets and farmers.
“Labour have claimed they want to represent our very rural and agricultural community, so it was certainly a surprise that in their manifesto there is a mere 90 words on farming. Farming really is at the heart of our communities and very many local jobs indirectly depend on it. That is why I am fully behind the Liberal Democrat plan and I am calling for a rural revival. Labour’s manifesto is not serious on farming and they just aren’t a serious contender here.”
“Our current Conservative MP defended the Government, but it is clear that the Conservatives have failed farming and left it in crisis. The choice to represent our community and our farmers as MP seems clear after the husting. It will be me or Mr. Stride.”